Observations on No Movement That Embraces Trump Can Call Itself Conservative

The popularity of Donald Trump, in spite of all his problems, is because he fights. Abraham Lincoln said of Ulysses S. Grant, why he put Grant at the head of the US army, “HE FIGHTS!” This popularity of Donald Trump is a rebuke to conservative leadership in that they do not fight. I’m not comparing Donald Trump to Grant. But I do mean to compare our conservative leadership to the string of losing US generals that came before Grant. Yes I do!

The article referenced is by Jonah Goldberg September 5, 2015.  No Movement That Embraces Trump Can Call Itself Conservative.  Retrieved From: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423607/donald-trump-conservative-movement-jonah-goldberg

I think a decent summary of the subject article is that it laments the popularity of Donald Trump because he fights with personal attacks, like leftists. Also it points out flip-flopping, and support for single payer insurance.

I want my leadership to be conservative. It’s not. Conservative leadership is losing because they do not undermine the foundations of leftism. The foundation of leftism is, LEFT IS FUTILE.

I want my leadership to deny the high ground to leftist leadership. I want my leadership to point out the inferior nature of the leftism’s REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.

To be a leftist is to be a “redistributionist.” Leftism is just a business and power model. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS takes from each according to his effort and gives to each according to his vote. These are ever-present themes that come out of leftism. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS INSTITUTIONALIZES THE FUTILITY OF EFFORT, both by taking from each according to his effort, and by giving to each according to his vote. This futility is why LEFTISM IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE and therefore inferior to conservatism. However, leftism is very seductive and leftist leadership are as warlords for power.

Again, leftism is just a business and power model, where one can be the animal farm pig by posing as Santa Claus AND then HIDE THE GREED OF LEFTISM and corruption behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. Leftism is a slick business model and is therefore very seductive, for the self-serving leader and supporter alike. Leftism will attack free enterprise. An example is John Lennon’s “Imagine.” John Lennon never mentioned it would be the animal farm pigs, (from George Orwell) in power over the farm. Point out the GREED OF LEFTISM early ad often.

Leftist leadership, no matter who they are, must be forced to squirm because they have allowed themselves to be seduced by the power model of leftism. And leftism’s affluent supporters must have their FUTILE MORALITY undermined because they allow the leftist leader to hide his corruption and greed only because they run the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS. The attack on leftism does not need to be personal. It just needs to be repeatedly made clear that the very life purpose of leaders and supporters of leftism, is futile and inferior.

Towards the end of the referenced article, Jonah signals his retreat to the wilderness with the sub title “REMNANT HERE I COME.” We are seeing a mutual shrinking dance between conservative leadership and conservative supporters.

Jonah Goldberg wrote a book entitled Liberal Fascism where he went after inferior quality of liberalism. What ever became of those attacks on liberalism pointing out the inherent corruption of the people seduced by it? We don’t have to attack the leftist leader of the moment. We need to undermine the foundations of leftism, that LEFT IS FUTILE, and ridicule the decision to run and seek to grow the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, as well as the affluent support of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.


Observations on American politics needs more civility, not less

The purpose of this site, leftisfutile.com, is to express the fundamental flaws of leftism.   The observations on leftisfutile.com intentionally avoid personal attacks on individuals.   What is always done is to seek to undermine the entire idea of leftism as fundamentally futile, no matter who is speaking on its behalf at any given moment.

The article referenced is by JEFF JACOBY. (August 16, 2015). American politics needs more civility, not less. Retrieved from http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/08/15/politics-needs-more-civil-actions/9veifba6uL56iwWjGBS1II/story.html

We live with each other.  I want to be civil to all.   I also want to destroy leftism because LEFT IS FUTILE.   People must reject leftism because they come to understand that LEFT IS FUTILE.   Going gentle into leftism is not good enough for me.   As I’ve said before, leftism would have a “utopia” that John Lennon sang about in his song “Imagine.”   But what John Lennon in his utopian song never mentioned was that there would be the animal farm pigs managing all the stuff.   It won’t be you or me because we can’t handle it.  Somebody’s going to do it.  We won’t be allowed to do it.

But civility is indispensable to the health of a free society, and if anyone should know that, it’s a Reagan-admiring conservative. For as long as I can remember, Republicans and right-leaning libertarians have resented the ad hominem assaults so often hurled against them by their opponents — the defamation of conservatives as “terrorists” and “racists,” the grotesque analogies to Hitler, the automatic assumption of bad faith and evil intent. Lately I have watched with dismay as too many figures on the right have resorted to the same tactics, cranking up the anger and the decibel level, and yielding to the temptation to jeer those they differ from as traitors, haters, and fools.

As long as I can remember I have resented the ad hominem assaults from the agents of leftism.     So often, agents of leftism breath death to the opponents of leftism.  Leftists should cling more tightly to political correctness, leftism’s morality.    It will never happen because LEFT IS FUTILE.

We must be civil to the individual, but uncivil to leftism, because LEFT IS FUTILE.    I can not go gentle into leftism, because it is not good enough for me.    It is a numbers game.   There must be more that reject leftism than accept its futility.

May God bless America but may God thwart leftism that no mob follow.

Observations on Abortion Is The New Slavery

I would summarize the referenced article by Jayme Metzgar ((August 16, 2015). Abortion Is The New Slavery. Retrieved from http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/13/abortion-is-the-new-slavery/) as pointing out the similarity of the act of defining human life between the pro-slavery and pro-choice mindset.

Both the pro-slavery and pro-choice mindset has a sub class of human that they profit from and treat cruelly.

The reoccurring themes, defined in leftisfutile.com, of the FUTILE AGREEMENT is evident in pro-choice’s JUSTIFICATION FOR FUTILITY, to bring a FUTILE DESTINATION to not yet born human life.  The GREED OF LEFTISM theme is expressed in the various ways leftism seeks to benefit and profit from abortion.    There is the convenience benefit and there is the profit benefit that has been uncovered in the recent videos.   There is also the hoped for science and medical benefit.   All these benefits leftism seeks to gain and grow at the expense of the “sub-human” unborn human life.  The benefits are not worth the cost.    LEFT IS FUTILE.

I think that my philosophy to avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT and avoid bringing a FUTILE DESTINATION into the environment for myself and others, would provide clarity on slavery if I had lived in the US in the 18th and 19th century.   Today, LEFT IS FUTILE and just not good enough for me.     As for all of these charges of racism flying out of leftism these days, it occurs to me that they can take their racism and leftism and bury them both in the same futile hole.   Because, both deliver INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT.  There they would rot together, and render futility one to the other, for all time.

Towards the end of the referenced article, the author identifies leftism’s  usual rebuttal that, how are we going to take care of the humans that are “allowed” to be born without abortion?   The author reference actions that could be taken.   The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS that seduces leadership of leftism, is a major problem to be avoided along with the FUTILE MORALITY of pro-choice mindset.    The GREED OF LEFTISM compels leadership of leftism to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS must also be managed.


Observations on Co-Founder of Whole Foods: Why Intellectuals Hate Capitalism

The basic concept is, there are people, the subject of the interview, calls “intellectuals” that are all about power and wealth for themselves, therefore they fear capitalism.  I agree with this person that I’ve linked to.   In our midst right here in America today, as I’ve observed, we would find “intellectuals” being our leftist leadership.   (political party is a minor concern to identify this group.  However, LEFT IS FUTILE).   What he calls “intellectuals,” I call the animal farm pigs (from George Orwell’s, Animal Farm).   Leftist leadership… “intellectuals.”

The article referenced was posted by Tim Hains. (August 12 2015). Co-Founder of Whole Foods: Why Intellectuals Hate Capitalism.   Retrieved from http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/08/12/co-founder_of_whole_foods_why_intellectuals_hate_capitalism.html

The democratic leftist leadership / power model is to be Orwell’s animal farm pig by posing as Santa Clause.  In our current democracy, Santa Clause runs the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.   Themes of this REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS are to take from each according to his effort and give to each according to his vote.    It must be understood that leftism is a business.

Leftism is a business.

Leftism is a business.

The people engaged in leftism are in it for their own benefit.   There is no difference between the futile mind whether it be the futile mind engaged in leftism versus the futile mind engaged in capitalism.   However, the business of leftism itself is fundamentally futile, and is therefore inferior, though it is very seductive.

But as the benefits of our leftist leadership’s business roll in for themselves, they can mask or hide their greed for wealth and power from their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.   One of the purposes of the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY is to convince as many people as they can, that leftist leadership is only here to help people.   Pay no attention to the greed, wealth, power, lies, and corruption of our leftist leaders.  Also pay no attention to the INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT that are the wages of leftism.   Both hands (taking and giving) of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS brings INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT.

The REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY of leftism is only to mask the greed and power of leftist leadership, if we let it (them).   However, as George Orwell makes clear towards the end of his book Animal Farm (paraphrased), “There is no difference between the pig and human.”  The meaning is, leftist leadership is as corrupt as anyone has ever been and will ever be.

Leftism wants and likes BIG GOVERNMENT!  Leftism wants it for its own gain and hope to hide it behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.     LEFT IS FUTILE!

Think about the power of hiding greed and wealth behind leftism’s REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.   Masses of people use this, from our leftist leadership to their associates.

As I’ve said before and it holds true: John Lennon, in his song Imagine (leftism’s anthem), never mentioned that it would be the animal farm pigs managing all the stuff.   It just can’t be you, because you can’t handle it.   The song Imagine is only an “intellectual” power sales pitch or an Animal Farm Pig sales pitch.    And so capitalism interferes with leftism’s power and wealth.

As mentioned in the video clip, intellectuals (leftists) bring futility of effort into the environment to those who are successful in avoiding futility.   On the other hand, when a person gains influence from capitalism, I’ve observed, the ultimate power source is leftism because leftism is seductive.   So therefore, in order to hide one’s greed for wealth and power, the safe play is to become a leftist and promote the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY for one’s own protection of their own power and wealth.

Observations on We’re a year into the unofficial war against Isis with nothing to show for it

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Trevor Timm. (August 8 2015). We’re a year into the unofficial war against Isis with nothing to show for it. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/08/unofficial-war-isis-nothing-to-show-for

This article speaks of perpetual war.   Where is the outrage from leftism?   It’s nowhere to be found.   The reason is, the outrage of leftism towards Republicans is only a TACTICAL MORALITY.   Outrage for leftism, is wielded as weapon to gain and maintain power and wealth for its own.  In the Art Of War, the first head of Sun Tzu is to maintain the moral law.   “Morality” is a tactic in conflict and a weapon and a defense for the warlords of leftism.

The relative silence toward leftism’s own leadership and its perpetual war, displays the GREED OF LEFTISM being the true purpose, outrage and protest, serves for leftism.    Leftism has shown its willingness to turn the sacrifices in Iraq to futility if it can be used to gain control.  This is what has played out since after 911.   Leftism can not be counted on to make an effort work, even if many of its leaders voted for it.   The subject article points to leftism’s token effort in the area of Iraq.   John Kerry is famous for saying, “I voted for it before I voted against it.”  It does not matter the sacrifice of others, so long as our leftist leaders maintain power and wealth.

The existence of leftism as a political force, must give pause for support for any endeavor requiring sacrifice because the FUTILE DESTINATION is of minor concern for leftism, so long as power can be maintained.   Anyone unfortunate enough to sacrifice for such people, are in danger of having that sacrifice brought to futility.   LEFT IS FUTILE….