The basic concept is, there are people, the subject of the interview, calls “intellectuals” that are all about power and wealth for themselves, therefore they fear capitalism. I agree with this person that I’ve linked to. In our midst right here in America today, as I’ve observed, we would find “intellectuals” being our leftist leadership. (political party is a minor concern to identify this group. However, LEFT IS FUTILE). What he calls “intellectuals,” I call the animal farm pigs (from George Orwell’s, Animal Farm). Leftist leadership… “intellectuals.”
The article referenced was posted by Tim Hains. (August 12 2015). Co-Founder of Whole Foods: Why Intellectuals Hate Capitalism. Retrieved from
The democratic leftist leadership / power model is to be Orwell’s animal farm pig by posing as Santa Clause. In our current democracy, Santa Clause runs the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS. Themes of this REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS are to take from each according to his effort and give to each according to his vote. It must be understood that leftism is a business.
Leftism is a business.
Leftism is a business.
The people engaged in leftism are in it for their own benefit. There is no difference between the futile mind whether it be the futile mind engaged in leftism versus the futile mind engaged in capitalism. However, the business of leftism itself is fundamentally futile, and is therefore inferior, though it is very seductive.
But as the benefits of our leftist leadership’s business roll in for themselves, they can mask or hide their greed for wealth and power from their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. One of the purposes of the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY is to convince as many people as they can, that leftist leadership is only here to help people. Pay no attention to the greed, wealth, power, lies, and corruption of our leftist leaders. Also pay no attention to the INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT that are the wages of leftism. Both hands (taking and giving) of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS brings INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT.
The REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY of leftism is only to mask the greed and power of leftist leadership, if we let it (them). However, as George Orwell makes clear towards the end of his book Animal Farm (paraphrased), “There is no difference between the pig and human.” The meaning is, leftist leadership is as corrupt as anyone has ever been and will ever be.
Leftism wants and likes BIG GOVERNMENT! Leftism wants it for its own gain and hope to hide it behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. LEFT IS FUTILE!
Think about the power of hiding greed and wealth behind leftism’s REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. Masses of people use this, from our leftist leadership to their associates.
As I’ve said before and it holds true: John Lennon, in his song Imagine (leftism’s anthem), never mentioned that it would be the animal farm pigs managing all the stuff. It just can’t be you, because you can’t handle it. The song Imagine is only an “intellectual” power sales pitch or an Animal Farm Pig sales pitch. And so capitalism interferes with leftism’s power and wealth.
As mentioned in the video clip, intellectuals (leftists) bring futility of effort into the environment to those who are successful in avoiding futility. On the other hand, when a person gains influence from capitalism, I’ve observed, the ultimate power source is leftism because leftism is seductive. So therefore, in order to hide one’s greed for wealth and power, the safe play is to become a leftist and promote the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY for one’s own protection of their own power and wealth.