Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on, applying to the following recent article:
Trevor Timm. (August 8 2015). We’re a year into the unofficial war against Isis with nothing to show for it. Retrieved from
This article speaks of perpetual war. Where is the outrage from leftism? It’s nowhere to be found. The reason is, the outrage of leftism towards Republicans is only a TACTICAL MORALITY. Outrage for leftism, is wielded as weapon to gain and maintain power and wealth for its own. In the Art Of War, the first head of Sun Tzu is to maintain the moral law. “Morality” is a tactic in conflict and a weapon and a defense for the warlords of leftism.
The relative silence toward leftism’s own leadership and its perpetual war, displays the GREED OF LEFTISM being the true purpose, outrage and protest, serves for leftism. Leftism has shown its willingness to turn the sacrifices in Iraq to futility if it can be used to gain control. This is what has played out since after 911. Leftism can not be counted on to make an effort work, even if many of its leaders voted for it. The subject article points to leftism’s token effort in the area of Iraq. John Kerry is famous for saying, “I voted for it before I voted against it.” It does not matter the sacrifice of others, so long as our leftist leaders maintain power and wealth.
The existence of leftism as a political force, must give pause for support for any endeavor requiring sacrifice because the FUTILE DESTINATION is of minor concern for leftism, so long as power can be maintained. Anyone unfortunate enough to sacrifice for such people, are in danger of having that sacrifice brought to futility. LEFT IS FUTILE….