I would summarize the referenced article by Jayme Metzgar ((August 16, 2015). Abortion Is The New Slavery. Retrieved from http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/13/abortion-is-the-new-slavery/) as pointing out the similarity of the act of defining human life between the pro-slavery and pro-choice mindset.
Both the pro-slavery and pro-choice mindset has a sub class of human that they profit from and treat cruelly.
The reoccurring themes, defined in leftisfutile.com, of the FUTILE AGREEMENT is evident in pro-choice’s JUSTIFICATION FOR FUTILITY, to bring a FUTILE DESTINATION to not yet born human life. The GREED OF LEFTISM theme is expressed in the various ways leftism seeks to benefit and profit from abortion. There is the convenience benefit and there is the profit benefit that has been uncovered in the recent videos. There is also the hoped for science and medical benefit. All these benefits leftism seeks to gain and grow at the expense of the “sub-human” unborn human life. The benefits are not worth the cost. LEFT IS FUTILE.
I think that my philosophy to avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT and avoid bringing a FUTILE DESTINATION into the environment for myself and others, would provide clarity on slavery if I had lived in the US in the 18th and 19th century. Today, LEFT IS FUTILE and just not good enough for me. As for all of these charges of racism flying out of leftism these days, it occurs to me that they can take their racism and leftism and bury them both in the same futile hole. Because, both deliver INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT. There they would rot together, and render futility one to the other, for all time.
Towards the end of the referenced article, the author identifies leftism’s usual rebuttal that, how are we going to take care of the humans that are “allowed” to be born without abortion? The author reference actions that could be taken. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS that seduces leadership of leftism, is a major problem to be avoided along with the FUTILE MORALITY of pro-choice mindset. The GREED OF LEFTISM compels leadership of leftism to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS must also be managed.
Just as our ancestors grappled with the evils of slavery, abortion is the moral battle of our time. Here are three main reasons why fetal tissue harvesting is morally wrong, even if it’s legal.