The purpose of this site,, is to express the fundamental flaws of leftism. The observations on intentionally avoid personal attacks on individuals. What is always done is to seek to undermine the entire idea of leftism as fundamentally futile, no matter who is speaking on its behalf at any given moment.
The article referenced is by JEFF JACOBY. (August 16, 2015). American politics needs more civility, not less. Retrieved from
We live with each other. I want to be civil to all. I also want to destroy leftism because LEFT IS FUTILE. People must reject leftism because they come to understand that LEFT IS FUTILE. Going gentle into leftism is not good enough for me. As I’ve said before, leftism would have a “utopia” that John Lennon sang about in his song “Imagine.” But what John Lennon in his utopian song never mentioned was that there would be the animal farm pigs managing all the stuff. It won’t be you or me because we can’t handle it. Somebody’s going to do it. We won’t be allowed to do it.
But civility is indispensable to the health of a free society, and if anyone should know that, it’s a Reagan-admiring conservative. For as long as I can remember, Republicans and right-leaning libertarians have resented the ad hominem assaults so often hurled against them by their opponents — the defamation of conservatives as “terrorists” and “racists,” the grotesque analogies to Hitler, the automatic assumption of bad faith and evil intent. Lately I have watched with dismay as too many figures on the right have resorted to the same tactics, cranking up the anger and the decibel level, and yielding to the temptation to jeer those they differ from as traitors, haters, and fools.
As long as I can remember I have resented the ad hominem assaults from the agents of leftism. So often, agents of leftism breath death to the opponents of leftism. Leftists should cling more tightly to political correctness, leftism’s morality. It will never happen because LEFT IS FUTILE.
We must be civil to the individual, but uncivil to leftism, because LEFT IS FUTILE. I can not go gentle into leftism, because it is not good enough for me. It is a numbers game. There must be more that reject leftism than accept its futility.
May God bless America but may God thwart leftism that no mob follow.