Trying to avoid futility, I do as much writing as I have time for about the inferiority of the FUTILE AGREEMENT that people make, and how it impacts our cultural heritage and, I think, it needs to be shared more broadly.
The article referenced is by Lawrence M. Krauss. September 8, 2015. All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists. Retrieved From:
Here, is how I see, the fundamental point Lawrence makes.
All scientists should be militantly futile:
Because science holds that no idea is sacred, it’s inevitable that it draws people away from religion. The more we learn about the workings of the universe, the more purposeless it seems…
The unifying theory (in this site is that LEFT IS FUTILE. One constant theme of leftism, that I have categorized into its own space on, is the ever present theme of the EVIDENCE FOR FUTILITY. With his article, Lawrence M. Krauss proselytizes futility, using his EVIDENCE FOR FUTILITY and draws people to the FUTILE AGREEMENT (This is the agreement that human life is fundamentally futile in the universe).
This FUTILE AGREEMENT touches everything; personality, politics, policy, and morality. So that LEFTISM IS FUNDAMENTALLY FUTILE and LEFTISM IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE.
To be militant is to be political. Everybody is political for something… even futility. The author of the subject article advises that ALL scientists should be “militant atheists.” What can be concluded?
Lawrence M. Krauss is proclaiming that atheism is sacred, as he proclaims that All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists.
Lawrence then proceeds in predictable order to pro-abortion politics. The vast majority of killing of not-yet-born-human life can be categorized as motivated by convenience. Meaning, it is not related to rape, incest, or that the pregnancy places at risk the very life of the mother. This convenience pedestal has its foundation that human life is, after all, fundamentally futile in the universe. First the woman gets pregnant on the foundational agreement that life is futile in the universe. The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the JUSTIFICATION FOR FUTILITY (that is, the futility of life justifies irresponsible behavior). Then FUTILE AGREEMENT justifies killing not-yet-born human life for convenience reasons.
The supposed justification for leftism’s futile machinery of abortion is to harvest dead human life for research to save human life. What kind of a person is willing to benefit from such futile machinery? The answer is: a futile mob. The growing population that agrees with such people, and make the FUTILE AGREEMENT in their own minds. A futile mob that cares not the difference between a pap smear and the killing of not-yet-born-human life primarily for convenience sake.
I do not trust our leftist FUTILE MORALTY nor do I trust our leftist’s reasoning. In our society, we find ourselves in a numbers game: The numbers of futile mob that make the FUTILE AGREEMENT versus those of us that oppose the futile mob because of the inferiority of the futile mind.
Trying to avoid futility, I do as much writing as I have time for, about the inferiority of the FUTILE AGREEMENT that people make, and how it impacts our cultural heritage and, I think, it needs to be shared more broadly.