Observations on Lafayette Theater Shooting

We are up to our eyeballs in a futile mob led by our futile leadership of leftism.  LEFT IS FUTILE.  The bargain is if you need leftism you will have a futile mob and its FUTILE DESTINATION.

Last week we have news of Planned Parenthood harvesting body parts of unborn human life for a fee.  The majority of abortions would be for convenience rather than rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.    In the arguments for abortion, the fundamental ideas put forth to justify abortions for convenience would be the FUTILE AGREEMENT.  The FUTILE AGREEMENT is JUSTIFICATION FOR FUTILITY.    This week we have another mass shooting at a Lafayette Louisiana theater.

Mass shooters exhibits the FUTILE AGREEMENT.  The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the agreement that life is fundamentally futile in the universe.    From this agreement and his futile state the shooter brings FUTILE DESTINATION to those unfortunate enough to be in his proximity.

Leftism is not good enough for me.    I believe a major theme in the bible is to avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT and avoid bringing futility into the environment for oneself and others (avoid the FUTILE DESTINATION) .

Leftism holds FUTILITY AS THE HIGH GROUND and proselytizes the FUTILE AGREEMENT to as many as would have it and vote for leftism’s futile utopia. Then it seeks to take away the right of the law abiding (those that avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT) to protect themselves from those that agree that life is futile in the universe (both the leadership and the renegade).

As long as Americans have the second amendment we can protect ourselves from the fruit of the futile mind.    As long as we have leftism we will have a political force that seeks to grow the population of voters of the futile mind.    That is, those that make FUTILE AGREEMENT.   The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the agreement that human life is fundamentally futile in the universe.   The futile mind can be depressed, unproductive, and apt to irresponsible and animalistic behavior.   Our leaders of leftism point to these problems (they engender) to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for themselves.

I will have the right to have a gun…. to avoid a FUTILE DESTINATION.     I understand leftism’s call for gun control, but the larger call must be leftism control.  Leftism is the greater force for futility because of the FUTILE AGREEMENT and LEFT IS FUTILE.


Leftism knows the futile mind is dangerous.   This is one reason the leftism stresses political correctness.    The FUTILE MORALITY is a necessary ingredient if there is any hope to maintain their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for any length of time.

LEFT IS FUTILE.    And so there may come a time for recompense.   leftism is personally scared of guns.   When the money runs out for the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, the White House will look pretty good for looters.     Gun-less looters are easier to deal with.


What of gun control in leftism’s futile world?   No guns for anyone?   That means even you, dear leaders.   Until our leftist leadership resigns to live in their gun free zone, they can not be taken seriously.   Leaders of Leftism must be forced to live with the world they would have, not off it.    As long as leftist have guns or body guards with guns, this is an instant cancellation to their gun control for thee (but not me) desires.

John Lennon, leftism’s song, in his song “Imagine” makes the case for his futile utopia based upon the FUTILE AGREEMENT.   John Lennon in his song “Imagine” never mentioned it would be the animal farm pigs  (leftist leadership) managing all the stuff.   Leftist leadership  would live off John Lennon’s utopia,  Just not you.   Because you can not handle it.

One thought on “Observations on Lafayette Theater Shooting”

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