The obvious point of the writing referenced, is to reverse the losses suffered by leftism over these past years. Leftists always seek to grow the redistribution business (motivated by their greed). The problem is, the redistribution business is just creepy.
“Mary, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Mary, “I want to be a redistributionist! I can be rich and powerful and everyone will think I’m wonderful, no matter what I do!”
Redistributionists say things along the lines of “Jesus was the first redistributionist” (OK – they use “socialist” in place of “redistributionist” – who cares?). Leftism is futile but Jesus does all things for the glory of God. This is why I say leftist leadership “poses as Santa Claus.”
I’m not buying the premise in the title, of who is “hell-bent.” I say to you: LEFT IS FUTILE!
The article referenced is by Heather Cox Richardson. Sunday, Nov 29, 2015. GOP’s hell-bent on tearing us apart: A decades-long strategy to win by divisiveness now leads to President Donald Trump. Retrieved from:
The article references equality. Leftist’s equality equates to equality of outcome. This futile form of leftism equality institutionalizes the futility of effort for me and you, while the redistributionist leadership grows rich and powerful running their redistribution business. The redistribution business has been good business. (idiots vote for it, not realizing their own complicity for corrupted leadership. Are these the useful idiots? Are these the ones that chose the wrong pill (I.E. the movie matrix)).
Leftist leadership seeks, above all, to profit from their redistribution business. This futile leadership seeks to convince as many as possible, who seek to do all for the glory of God (the Christian central fundamental – no matter skin color), to submit to their futile business (that benefits futile leftists, by the way). So that there is no Glory of God left after the futile leftist leadership takes it for their own. Christian morality becomes the SLAVE morality. Leftist morality is only a tactic – The first head of Sun Tzu (maintain the moral law – morality is a weapon – immorality by consensus among the futile mob). Leftism is parasitical to good sense, morality, effort, and sacrifice.
The article references the “true American.” The question is this: Is leftism’s redistribution business what America is about? (Leftism benefits leftist leadership and supporters – Think John Lennon’s song “Imagine” – …”There’ll be nothing to kill or die for”…. (for you! Nothing for you!) The leftist leadership will be the one that controls all the stuff – not you. They will determine when to send you to kill and die…) Is leftism what America has been about? I say to you the answer is Hell No!
I like this article and it’s historical perspective. The problem for the message the author hopes to convey is that leftism is a loser for the last 50 years and, I say, it is best that it be so into perpetuity. The existence of the futility of leftism and its greedy hoard, leads to whatever fragmentation there is. The existence of leftism and its creepy futility is the problem that tears us apart. And it institutionalizes the futility of effort for most except its leadership and protected supporters.
Now is the post-racial era. We are looking at ideologies. And left is futile no matter the race it impacts. What is shown here is that for 50 or more years, people with black skin chose poorly in supporting leftism. Left is futile and will always be so. All of us will do better to avoid futility and reject leftism as the blight upon the earth that it is. This is a new day. Left is nowhere. Left is futile. It is only a corrupt business to profit greedy politicians to the ruin of us all.
The anthem of leftist leadership must be “He’s real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans – for nobody….” Only a futile mob can bring leftism’s futile plans to haunt us. Turn away from leftism. Do not join the futile mob and spare us all the futility!