The referenced article from can be summarized as yet another version of John Lennon’s song “Imagine.” Nationalism is bad, religion is bad, and possessions are bad too. To get to utopian brotherhood of man these must be abandoned. But abandoned to whom? This is the elephant in the room.
It seems to me the defining paragraph of the article is the quote below:
But I don’t think the world is going to learn Esperanto anytime soon. That is, the pull of national and religious identity is too strong to be ignored—and the pull of cosmopolitan civilization and universal institutions is ultimately too weak to call forth the kind of economic and political solidarity that some kind of world government would need. Germans don’t want to pay the bill for early-retiring Greeks in the EU; they have even less solidarity with Uganda and Laos.
The article referenced is by Walter Russell Mead. Published on: January 1, 2016. One for All. Retrieved from:
The line “Germans don’t want to pay the bill for early-retiring Greeks in the EU; they have even less solidarity with Uganda and Laos.” underscores the failure of the leadership of leftism to be a viable alternative to the world’s problems. In fact, leftism is conspicuously absent from the article’s “list” of bad things in the world, to be avoided. Under leftist leadership, the Greeks find institutionalized futility of effort in that their leftist politicians exchange the promise for early retirement for power. So that after a certain age, any further effort is futile. The current President of the US has said, “Redistribution is good for everybody.” Or so it seemed. However, the German’s find institutionalized futility of effort in that the fruit of their effort is taken from them to pay the bill for Greek leftist leadership. The Germans see a problem with leftism.
The author angles towards the teachings of Jesus, to help the stranger. Helping the stranger is good. The problem is leftism hijacks Jesus’s teachings for its own greed. Leftist leadership runs the redistribution business (Take from each according to his effort and give to each according to his vote) for its own power and gain , while masking its greed and corruption behind the redistribution business. In other words, they point to Jesus for justification.
John Lennon never mentioned in his song “Imagine” who would be in control of all the stuff. That’s because he was a leftist. Leftists would take control of all the stuff the rest of us have abandoned. (It is telling, the setting of the referenced video being in some sort of mansion. It reminds me of when the animal farm pigs moved into the “farm house” in George Orwell’s – Animal Farm.) Leftism is just another business model.
Leftism is futile and is flawed as it seeks to rest its redistribution business on the teachings of Jesus while at the same time blaming Jesus for conflict in the world.
The title of the referenced article is from the Three Musketeers. The saying is, All for one and one for all…. But I ask, given our leftist mob, All for who? and One for who? … Exactly?