Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?
Blame Leftism! Duh!
Leftism is the leadership model that institutionalizes the futility of effort.
The article referenced is by John Blake. November 27, 2015. Who will you blame once Obams’s gone? Retrieved from: http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/27/us/obama-race-cnn-kff-poll/index.html
The business plan of leftism is where you too can be the animal farm pig by posing as Santa Claus (He / She runs the redistribution business) and then hide your greed and corruption behind the redistribution morality. The gender or the color of the animal farm pig does not amount to much.
The stupid thing is this, leftists are seeking to lurch to leftism from racism.
Leftism’s undoing, is that leftism is as futile as racism. The reason is, both institutionalize futility of effort.
The day that the color of one’s skin does not justify INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT is the day sanity arrives. That day won’t arrive in the future, from leftism, just as the referenced CNN poll shows it has not arrived from leftism in the present time.
At a fundamental level:
Unfortunately, leftists’ waste their lives struggling for their redistribution utopia (As John Lennon’s “Imagine” lays out the vision)…. Sorry.
It is best for the rest of us when leftism’s redistribution business is popularly cringe-worthy (as racism must be) so we can avoid their animal farm pig leadership and consensus unbalanced moralizing.