Did this president fall in line with the stupid claims that spawned “Black Lives Matter.” Did he act stupidly? The Ferguson police officer was not the monster the President of the United States would have hoped for. The police officer was found to be defending himself from another person… that person was black. That person tried to take the peace officer’s gun to kill him with it. That person rushed the other in his final moments before being killed. The President of the United States listened to folks that gave him stupid advice on the events of Ferguson. The president may have allowed himself to act stupidly as he clung to the first reports of racial injustice.
Now we live with the division of the Black Lives Matter movement. Not only division but mass murder (as seen for the Dallas police). I believe the President of the United States would be better served to have proclaimed that ALL LIVES MATTER, not just a sub set. WE can all rally to ALL LIVES MATTER. We can all rally to avoid futility for all people.
The phrase “Black Lives Matter” is as futile and racist as Klu Klux Klan speak.
ALL LIVES MATTER is the high ground all of us can rally around!
And so, because of our inferior leadership we see death in the streets and destruction as well. The question our leftists may, or may not understand is, how can their futile mob be controlled?
In the end, LEFT IS FUTILE.
Why live in leftist inferior leadership chaos?
Must the people insist they must have the corruption and futility of leftism in order to avoid racist futility?