Observations on Jesus wouldn’t join the NRA

Leftism proselytizes the futility of life.   Therefore, we could benefit from a gun to protect ourselves from those influenced by leftism’s futile leadership and themes.  It has oft been said that Jesus was the first socialist.    Since Jesus was not fundamentally futile, He was not the first socialist.   This is fundamental.   This leaves leftists out of the loop when it comes to glomming on to Jesus.   Can I get an AMEN!?

The article referenced is by Abigail Disney.  October 30, 2015.   Jesus wouldn’t join the NRA.  Retrieved From:   http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/10/29/jesus-wouldnt-join-the-nra/

Leftists run their futile redistribution business (take from each according to their effort and give to each according to their vote) in order to gain power and wealth.   Then they seek to hide their greed for their wealth and power behind their redistribution morality (A.K.A. JESUS).

Jesus over turned the tables of the same type of people as leftists in the temple that sought to gain from God.

It is only the misguided that attach themselves to leftism.

The existence of leftism is futile and worthless and ubiquitous in the USA.   As long as it exists we must protect ourselves from its futile proselytizing!

Observations on Archconservatives’ Real Enemy Is Democracy

The subject article (Archconservatives’ Real Enemy Is Democracy) seems practically pointless to me because the archconservatives are elected representatives sent there to disrupt the futility of leftism and its redistribution business.

The article referenced is by Francis Wilkinson.  Oct 9, 2015.   Archconservatives’ Real Enemy Is Democracy.  Retrieved From:   http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-10-09/archconservatives-real-enemy-is-democracy

To be a leftist is to be a redistributionist.   Leftism is large and in charge.  It is like a disease that completely infects the Democratic party and partially infects the Republican party.  Leftism is a business model where you can be the animal farm pig by posing as Santa Claus (Santa Claus runs the redistribution business).    You can gain wealth and power and hide your greed and corruption behind the redistribution morality.   This is the brand of democracy that far too many execute and support.   Take from each according to their effort and give to each according to their vote.

Leftism is large because it is seductive to the unprincipled.    The problem with the redistribution business is it produces institutionalized futility of effort by the very act of redistribution.   Leftism is parasitical to good sense, morality, and effort.   Leftism is futile and not good enough for me.

The US basically has a two party system.  These two parties are like sumo wrestlers in the circle.   The winner gets elected to run government.   The effort in electing candidates that are not leftist is to have a large enough sumo wrestler that can bounce the other sumo wrestler out of the circle and then will manage, balance, and not grow the redistribution business.

Observations on Obama, Guns, and the Politics of Hopelessness

Leftism is the politics of hopelessness because LEFT IS FUTILE.

The article referenced is by John Cassidy.  October 2, 2015.   Obama, Guns, and the Politics of Hopelessness.  Retrieved From:   http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/obama-guns-and-the-politics-of-hopelessness

People do what they do… but as leftism proselytizes that life is fundamentally futile in the universe, leftism is in the cross hairs of blame for the futile fruit of the futile mind.   Leftism is the blight upon the earth.    The futile mob (leftist leadership and supporters) add their collective weight to the blight.  The agreement (central to leftism) that life is futile in the universe, is the danger to our lives.   Because of the politics of hopelessness, systemic to leftism, the rest of us will need guns to protect ourselves from their futile mob.

The federal government supports abortions by Planned Parenthood and by so doing implicitly justifies the FUTILE AGREEMENT.    The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the agreement that life is futile in the universe.    With the brain-dead mantra from Planned Parenthood supporters, that Planned Parenthood is for women’s health, but they do not care the difference between a pap smear and killing not-yet-born human life, they proselytize the FUTILE AGREEMENT.  In the 1800’s the US slave holders valued slaves as 3/5th a human.   What percentage of “human” would Planned Parenthood grant to their millions of aborted?   Considering over 90% of abortions are for convenience of another human life, it is safe to say too many around us have devolved to the FUTILE AGREEMENT.

Leftism proselytizes the FUTILE AGREEMENT explicitly as well as when it’s supporters mock Christianity and politicians expressing Christianity.    Also Hollywood, filled with leftists, proselytizes the FUTILE AGREEMENT from the fruit of their life’s work as it shows gun deaths.    I once heard it said that the average teen has seen more murders than any teen in history by watching television.   This has been delivered by leftism.

The part of Christianity that leftism does embrace is that which supports and grows their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS (Their business is to take from each according to his effort and to give to each according to his vote).

The desire of leftism to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS leads back to our leftist leadership’s call for more gun control laws.    Here we see the recurring theme of the evil machinery of leftism to point to the screw up of the futile mind (which leftism feeds), in order to grow the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism to feed the GREED OF LEFTISM which INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for most people while providing riches and power for the leftist leadership and supporters alike.   Leftism’s supporters benefit by HIDING GREED OF LEFTISM behind their REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.

Leftism is the politics of hopelessness because LEFT IS FUTILE.    It is stupid for leftists to speak of gun control while leftism exists.  We need guns to protect ourselves from leftism’s futile mob.

Observations on John Boehner Exits, Donald Trump Storms On

First the unified theory of leftism:  To be a leftist is to be a redistributionist.   The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is the source of wealth and power for leftism.   A redistributionist is greedy for their accumulated wealth and power.   The leftist’s greed is no different from any other greedy individual.   What a redistributionist tries to do, is hide their greed, and other failings, behind their REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.   For a while, the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is a profitable business plan for the leftist that benefits from it (at any level).    The fundamental futility and inferiority of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is that it results in INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for most people.   The result: LEFT IS FUTILE.

The large problem is that, which more people are realizing, leftism storms on.    The world is a complicated place with many issues to be resolved.   However, the futility of leftism is chief among them.

The article referenced is by Frank Bruni.  September 26, 2015.   John Boehner Exits, Donald Trump Storms On.  Retrieved From:   http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27/opinion/sunday/john-boehner-exits-donald-trump-storms-on.html?ref=opinion&_r=0

The author of the referenced article laments the name calling from Donald Trump and the general tactics of some Republicans.    As far as name calling goes Frank starts his own litany, one or more per paragraph, starting from paragraph 3 throughout.   Let’s look at them in order starting from paragraph 3:  there’s pathological and self destructive, diseased (rabid), extreme, childish, crazy, irresponsible, sour and strident, stupid, xenophobic, a spectacle and a farce, and finally he comes full circle back to diseased (sclerosis) again.

The author made some attempt to be fair.  For in paragraph 13 he threw some love Hillary Clinton’s way:

On Thursday, a national poll showed Clinton losing to Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush — but not to Donald Trump — in hypothetical matchups. A New Hampshire poll gave Bernie Sanders a sizable lead over Clinton in that state.

And with reports that the F.B.I. was successfully retrieving emails that had supposedly been wiped from her private server, it became clearer than ever that this particular chapter isn’t close to over. It seems almost inevitable that a few of these emails will contradict statements Clinton has made about what was and wasn’t erased and why. I don’t see her “honest and trustworthy” numbers rising anytime soon.

As I recall Hillary Clinton’s rebuttal to the voter’s impression of her, was to say something about how it wouldn’t matter, because her voters “know who is looking out for them.”    Hillary’s rebuttal follows the theme of the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY as predicted on leftisfutile.com in the unified theory of leftism.

Frank isn’t worried either.   He just thinks the polls will take a while before they improve for Mrs. Clinton to continue running the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.

…But you have to work with people who you disagree with, sometimes strongly, in order to do the people’s business….   President Obama (as quoted in the referenced article).

I believe what the President means is to switch out the words “people’s business” with REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.

In recent days the Pope has made efforts to try to distance himself from leftism.    This is good, as do I.   For to join with the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS would be like Jesus joining in with the money changers.   Instead, He overturned their tables….

Through out the referenced article, the author expresses to be frightened and tearful.   I understand it would be troubling to lose one’s power model.   But it is for the best, for the country.

May God bless America, and may God thwart leftism.

Observations on No Movement That Embraces Trump Can Call Itself Conservative

The popularity of Donald Trump, in spite of all his problems, is because he fights. Abraham Lincoln said of Ulysses S. Grant, why he put Grant at the head of the US army, “HE FIGHTS!” This popularity of Donald Trump is a rebuke to conservative leadership in that they do not fight. I’m not comparing Donald Trump to Grant. But I do mean to compare our conservative leadership to the string of losing US generals that came before Grant. Yes I do!

The article referenced is by Jonah Goldberg September 5, 2015.  No Movement That Embraces Trump Can Call Itself Conservative.  Retrieved From: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423607/donald-trump-conservative-movement-jonah-goldberg

I think a decent summary of the subject article is that it laments the popularity of Donald Trump because he fights with personal attacks, like leftists. Also it points out flip-flopping, and support for single payer insurance.

I want my leadership to be conservative. It’s not. Conservative leadership is losing because they do not undermine the foundations of leftism. The foundation of leftism is, LEFT IS FUTILE.

I want my leadership to deny the high ground to leftist leadership. I want my leadership to point out the inferior nature of the leftism’s REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.

To be a leftist is to be a “redistributionist.” Leftism is just a business and power model. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS takes from each according to his effort and gives to each according to his vote. These are ever-present themes that come out of leftism. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS INSTITUTIONALIZES THE FUTILITY OF EFFORT, both by taking from each according to his effort, and by giving to each according to his vote. This futility is why LEFTISM IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE and therefore inferior to conservatism. However, leftism is very seductive and leftist leadership are as warlords for power.

Again, leftism is just a business and power model, where one can be the animal farm pig by posing as Santa Claus AND then HIDE THE GREED OF LEFTISM and corruption behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. Leftism is a slick business model and is therefore very seductive, for the self-serving leader and supporter alike. Leftism will attack free enterprise. An example is John Lennon’s “Imagine.” John Lennon never mentioned it would be the animal farm pigs, (from George Orwell) in power over the farm. Point out the GREED OF LEFTISM early ad often.

Leftist leadership, no matter who they are, must be forced to squirm because they have allowed themselves to be seduced by the power model of leftism. And leftism’s affluent supporters must have their FUTILE MORALITY undermined because they allow the leftist leader to hide his corruption and greed only because they run the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS. The attack on leftism does not need to be personal. It just needs to be repeatedly made clear that the very life purpose of leaders and supporters of leftism, is futile and inferior.

Towards the end of the referenced article, Jonah signals his retreat to the wilderness with the sub title “REMNANT HERE I COME.” We are seeing a mutual shrinking dance between conservative leadership and conservative supporters.

Jonah Goldberg wrote a book entitled Liberal Fascism where he went after inferior quality of liberalism. What ever became of those attacks on liberalism pointing out the inherent corruption of the people seduced by it? We don’t have to attack the leftist leader of the moment. We need to undermine the foundations of leftism, that LEFT IS FUTILE, and ridicule the decision to run and seek to grow the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, as well as the affluent support of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.