Leftism proselytizes the futility of life. Therefore, we could benefit from a gun to protect ourselves from those influenced by leftism’s futile leadership and themes. It has oft been said that Jesus was the first socialist. Since Jesus was not fundamentally futile, He was not the first socialist. This is fundamental. This leaves leftists out of the loop when it comes to glomming on to Jesus. Can I get an AMEN!?
The article referenced is by Abigail Disney. October 30, 2015. Jesus wouldn’t join the NRA. Retrieved From: http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/10/29/jesus-wouldnt-join-the-nra/
Leftists run their futile redistribution business (take from each according to their effort and give to each according to their vote) in order to gain power and wealth. Then they seek to hide their greed for their wealth and power behind their redistribution morality (A.K.A. JESUS).
Jesus over turned the tables of the same type of people as leftists in the temple that sought to gain from God.
It is only the misguided that attach themselves to leftism.
The existence of leftism is futile and worthless and ubiquitous in the USA. As long as it exists we must protect ourselves from its futile proselytizing!