First the unified theory of leftism: To be a leftist is to be a redistributionist. The REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is the source of wealth and power for leftism. A redistributionist is greedy for their accumulated wealth and power. The leftist’s greed is no different from any other greedy individual. What a redistributionist tries to do, is hide their greed, and other failings, behind their REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY. For a while, the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is a profitable business plan for the leftist that benefits from it (at any level). The fundamental futility and inferiority of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is that it results in INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for most people. The result: LEFT IS FUTILE.
The large problem is that, which more people are realizing, leftism storms on. The world is a complicated place with many issues to be resolved. However, the futility of leftism is chief among them.
The article referenced is by Frank Bruni. September 26, 2015. John Boehner Exits, Donald Trump Storms On. Retrieved From:
The author of the referenced article laments the name calling from Donald Trump and the general tactics of some Republicans. As far as name calling goes Frank starts his own litany, one or more per paragraph, starting from paragraph 3 throughout. Let’s look at them in order starting from paragraph 3: there’s pathological and self destructive, diseased (rabid), extreme, childish, crazy, irresponsible, sour and strident, stupid, xenophobic, a spectacle and a farce, and finally he comes full circle back to diseased (sclerosis) again.
The author made some attempt to be fair. For in paragraph 13 he threw some love Hillary Clinton’s way:
On Thursday, a national poll showed Clinton losing to Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush — but not to Donald Trump — in hypothetical matchups. A New Hampshire poll gave Bernie Sanders a sizable lead over Clinton in that state.
And with reports that the F.B.I. was successfully retrieving emails that had supposedly been wiped from her private server, it became clearer than ever that this particular chapter isn’t close to over. It seems almost inevitable that a few of these emails will contradict statements Clinton has made about what was and wasn’t erased and why. I don’t see her “honest and trustworthy” numbers rising anytime soon.
As I recall Hillary Clinton’s rebuttal to the voter’s impression of her, was to say something about how it wouldn’t matter, because her voters “know who is looking out for them.” Hillary’s rebuttal follows the theme of the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY as predicted on in the unified theory of leftism.
Frank isn’t worried either. He just thinks the polls will take a while before they improve for Mrs. Clinton to continue running the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.
…But you have to work with people who you disagree with, sometimes strongly, in order to do the people’s business…. President Obama (as quoted in the referenced article).
I believe what the President means is to switch out the words “people’s business” with REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.
In recent days the Pope has made efforts to try to distance himself from leftism. This is good, as do I. For to join with the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS would be like Jesus joining in with the money changers. Instead, He overturned their tables….
Through out the referenced article, the author expresses to be frightened and tearful. I understand it would be troubling to lose one’s power model. But it is for the best, for the country.
May God bless America, and may God thwart leftism.