Observations on We’re a year into the unofficial war against Isis with nothing to show for it

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Trevor Timm. (August 8 2015). We’re a year into the unofficial war against Isis with nothing to show for it. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/aug/08/unofficial-war-isis-nothing-to-show-for

This article speaks of perpetual war.   Where is the outrage from leftism?   It’s nowhere to be found.   The reason is, the outrage of leftism towards Republicans is only a TACTICAL MORALITY.   Outrage for leftism, is wielded as weapon to gain and maintain power and wealth for its own.  In the Art Of War, the first head of Sun Tzu is to maintain the moral law.   “Morality” is a tactic in conflict and a weapon and a defense for the warlords of leftism.

The relative silence toward leftism’s own leadership and its perpetual war, displays the GREED OF LEFTISM being the true purpose, outrage and protest, serves for leftism.    Leftism has shown its willingness to turn the sacrifices in Iraq to futility if it can be used to gain control.  This is what has played out since after 911.   Leftism can not be counted on to make an effort work, even if many of its leaders voted for it.   The subject article points to leftism’s token effort in the area of Iraq.   John Kerry is famous for saying, “I voted for it before I voted against it.”  It does not matter the sacrifice of others, so long as our leftist leaders maintain power and wealth.

The existence of leftism as a political force, must give pause for support for any endeavor requiring sacrifice because the FUTILE DESTINATION is of minor concern for leftism, so long as power can be maintained.   Anyone unfortunate enough to sacrifice for such people, are in danger of having that sacrifice brought to futility.   LEFT IS FUTILE….

Observations on Making Environmentalism Divisive

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Salena Zito (August 2 2015). Making Environmentalism Divisive.  Retrieved from http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/08/02/making_environmentalism_divisive_127627.html

I think the central quote of this article is:

Growing up, there wasn’t a kid I knew who wasn’t impacted by the “crying Indian” ad of 1971, in which an American Indian paddled his canoe on a river past gritty smokestacks and floating pollution. As he stepped onshore, he was pelted with a bag of garbage that landed at his feet. A close-up of his face showed a single tear, as an announcer intoned: “People start pollution, people can stop it.”

Today, liberal elites, academics and coastal progressives believe they are the only ones who can speak with authority about the environment, and are the only purists on that issue.

Stuck in their “green movement” ivory towers, they do not understand that the things they preach have long been part of our culture; instead, they use those as wedge issues to drive up votes in elections.

Republicans take the biggest hit on environmentalism, which is interesting because conservatism means to conserve permanent things; evangelicals, one of the GOP’s biggest voting blocs, believe they have a duty to conserve, preserve, and restore Creation until Christ returns.

Here is where we see the GREED OF LEFTISM in action, yet again, and will as long as inferior individuals seeking leadership are seduced by leftism (and its futility).  Leftism always seeks to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for its leadership’s and their associate’s own enrichment for wealth and power.

Leftism will insist we must grow their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS to achieve any good in regards to the environment.      However, leftism is great business for those seduced by the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS… as long as they can sell their monopoly on goodness.    I don’t buy what the futile sell because LEFT IS FUTILE and leftism is not good enough for me because LEFT IS FUTILE.

And so we see the wedge issue they construct for us to deal with.    As if the only option to save the planet is to install leadership of leftism along with their INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT created as a result of their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, because only they care.    Leftism is all about growing the redistribution business and so we will ever hear their fundamental YOU NEED THE PIG!   I will not vote for leftism because it is not good enough for me.    There is nothing the leftist FUTILE AGREEMENT can do, that is worth doing, that the GLORY OF GOD motivation can not do, and do better!  And without the corruption of futility.

As to the term “coastal progressives”  mentioned above, these individuals can be likened to the animal farm pigs that moved into the farm house in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.    As I’ve mentioned before, the county electoral map from recent elections shows the GREED OF LEFTISM as the blue for democrats are found with the ocean views and the mountain views in Colorado.   Leftism has taken the finest real estate in the country and therefore have moved into the proverbial farm house Orwell saw in Animal Farm.

We have problems to solve, among those is leftism and its leadership and its large numbers of followers.  Whatever problem we have to deal with, we must also manage the futility of leftism.


Observations on These extremist videos are nothing short of an attack on women

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Cecile Richards (July 29 2015). Planned Parenthood president: These extremist videos are nothing short of an attack on women. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/planned-parenthood-president-these-extremist-videos-are-nothing-short-of-an-attack-on-women/2015/07/29/76146334-3611-11e5-9739-170df8af8eb9_story.html

The fundamental points made in the above referenced article are:

  • Planned Parenthood provides a lot of women’s health care.
  • Planned Parenthood provides a lot of abortions.
  • Only Limited tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood for abortion.
  • Opposition to abortion is misguided and extreme and opponents are the real law breakers.
  • Abortion is the law (including convenience though this woman did not mention that).
  • No one can stop our tax dollars flowing to planned parenthood.

Granted, Planned Parenthood provides a lot of women’s health care.    This is a good thing.   There is no way around that.   I want more of that.

However, the world is complicated.   Planned Parenthood also provides abortions, even if the reason is for convenience of the mother, and the cavalier selling the parts of not yet born human life.

I will accept the first effort (women’s health care) and test the other (abortion).  Period.    It is snotty for the referenced author to confuse the two issues into one.

This woman raises no opposition for abortion for convenience and only apologizes for the tone of the “medical and science” speak that was brought to light from the recent videos about giving unborn human body parts in return for money.   She blinded me with science!   Or at least she hoped to.

But what if I oppose abortion for convenience and the follow-on cavalier treatment of the human remains because I do not make the FUTILE AGREEMENT?  I say that human life is not futile in the universe.  Therefore, human life is much more valuable than a woman’s convenience.   This is my extreme view?   Leadership of leftism is creepy (and I reject leftism’s futile leadership and the mob it wields, though I understand it is dangerous – and futile).   This is also my extreme view.   For me to condone either the abortion for convenience or the profiting from the unborn human life’s body parts, you will have to convince me that life is futile in the universe.    Your efforts to do so are also creepy.    We live in a time when the FUTILE AGREEMENT is mainstream and opposition to that agreement is extreme.   At the moment, the futile mob is large and in charge.   It seems apparent to me from watching these people in action that the FUTILE AGREEMENT is the low ground and not good enough for me.    I will take the motto “avoid futility.”   Therefore I can not vote left.   LEFT IS FUTILE.   I have observed that the FUTILE AGREEMENT touches everything – personality, politics, policy, and morality.   And not for the better.    The world is full of believers (of futility).

The resolution is simple.   Disband Planned Parenthood.    Create an abortion entity.   Create a woman’s health entity that does not do abortions, but only all the wonderful, things this woman says.    WE MUST HAVE CLARITY!     The time has past that we must be dragged through mud because we need something good.  Avoid the leaches of the left!   Let my tax dollars go to all the good this woman refers to.   But let the futile fund the futile.   I hate being lumped together with the futile mob this woman heads.

The GREED OF LEFTISM seeks support from wherever it can find it, even in the abortion for convenience voters (yes the FUTILE AGREEMENT is an issue afflicting women too).  The futile mob is large and leftism grows its power from them.

Observations on Ideas For Reporters Struggling To Cover Planned Parenthood

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Mollie Hemingway (July 20, 2015). Ideas For Reporters Struggling To Cover Planned Parenthood. Retrieved from http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/20/ideas-for-reporters-struggling-to-cover-planned-parenthood/

Under the idea that LEFT IS FUNDAMENTALLY FUTILE and LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE we link to this article.  Everybody is political for something.   But LEFT IS FUNDAMENTALLY FUTILE, and LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE.  We expect no leftist to be honest and evenhanded on a topic.  Because LEFT IS FUTILE.  We understand followers of leftism to be more a war lord for leftism.    Let’s see how many of these topics will be pursued by the devout leftist.   I believe to do so would serve no purpose for leftism.    Nothing would be gained.   So, there will be nothing, or some slanted take, very little.

The fundamental that LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE is exemplified by Mollie’s attempt to point out the topics that could be expanded upon.   She has some 2 dozen ideas.    They are not expanded upon by the followers of leftism.   Will they ever be expanded upon by  our leftist neighbors?   I predict not, because LEFT IS FUTILE.    To expand upon her points would be counter-productive to the business of leftism.   Leftism is BIG business for large numbers of people.   The people of leftism will not sit by and have the business trashed.   This points to the GREED OF LEFTISM or to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind the FUTILE MORALITY.

Observations On A Time Article Jeb Bush’s ‘Longer Hours’ Remark Will Haunt Him

Here's how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Philip Elliott (July 9, 2015). Jeb Bush’s ‘Longer Hours’ Remark Will Haunt Him. Retrieved from http://time.com/3951396/jeb-bush-longer-hours/

First of all a central idea in my unified theory of leftism is leftism is a system, or a business model to achieve wealth and power by running what I term the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and then to veil greed for wealth and power behind what I term the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.

The problem that haunts leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is the reoccurring theme of INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT.    Bush points out this fundamental with his remark central to this article.    The counter of leftism, as presented by Leftism's current leading candidate (Clinton) and team, is that people should be paid more, no matter how little they work.   Leftism agrees the American worker works plenty.    Leftism puts up no fight against the fact that leftism's leadership results in INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILTY OF EFFORT for employees under its leadership, in the last several years, at least, in that they increasingly can only find jobs with fewer working hours, because of the leadership of leftism.   We have uncontested increasing INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for employees.

The result is leftism's leadership results in INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for employers as well as employees.    Many employer's can't make a living with the costs of leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS... politician care.

What can we say?  At best (from the point of view of leftism), we are left with the clash of the greedy.    The fact is, leftism seeks to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS to greater and greater power and wealth beyond any private sector greed.    As George Orwell mentioned in his book Animal Farm, towards the end (I paraphrase), 'The animals looked in the window and saw there was no difference between the pig and the human'.   When it comes to greed there may be zero difference between leftism's running the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and someone of the private sector.  The greater force for futility is leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.   Leftism must always be thwarted.

I say LEFTISM IS FUTILE and MUST be limited.   I would be foolish not to see this!

The TIME article mentioned Bush's tax returns.

The GREED OF LEFTISM is the elephant in the room. Interesting word picture to have an elephant in the room haunting leftists. (Yes the elephant is the symbol of Republicans.   That is counter balanced by the ass of the Democrats.  The agents of leftism)  Leftism hopes to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind its REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.   Let's think about this.

We all believe that Leftism's top candidate, Clinton, is broke, as she claimed some time back.

Don't we?             No?

Of course not.  The leader's of leftism are filthy rich and live in the finest real estate in the country.   (Just like Orwell's Animal Farm pigs that moved into the farm house.   Did you ever notice the location of blue counties on the US electoral map from recent elections?   Much of the blue is ocean views and mountain views...  Sweet!  It looks like a map of the GREED OF LEFTISM to me.)

But leftism would have us agree with it that it doesn't matter if they are rich (and untrustworthy too) because they are "looking out for us."  This is another example of how leftism works to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.     Leftism is looking out for us.   This is the reoccurring fundamental, YOU NEED THE PIG!    Leftism would have me just live with the corruption of leftism so long as I get "looked after."   But then I would share in the corruption of leftism if I did not resist its growing shadow of futility.   Leftism is not good enough for me.

I'm thinking the existence of leftism is sufficient reason for term limits. Politicians of the left should be required to live WITH their INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT of their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS not OFF it.   Somehow we need balance, not ever growing REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS managed by leftist politicians for their own gain!   LEFT IS FUTILE.

Then the article mentions the leftism's INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT idea from the president of the United States.  “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”   As if Driving up and down the roads or going to the bathroom and using plumbing or making an internet search results in building a business.   Leftism's sells pitch is that you should have no qualms to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism because of public services.

Proponents of leftism should show their altruistic character and get out of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and get on the other end of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS in the private sector.   Will the GREED OF LEFTISM allow leaders of leftism to get out of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS?   It's not likely.    Leftism just started up the new "politician care" of the ACA (Pay no attention that it is not apparent that it is affordable.).

I won't vote left because it is just not good enough for me.

P.S. I hope the Pope is not inadvertently helping to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism with his recent speak against greed....   It won't turn out well.   It will be like Jesus throwing the money back to the money changers.   Because, LEFT IS FUTILE.   Jesus was not the first leftist.   He did all things for the glory of God.   LEFT IS FUTILE.