Observations on Making Environmentalism Divisive

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Salena Zito (August 2 2015). Making Environmentalism Divisive.  Retrieved from http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/08/02/making_environmentalism_divisive_127627.html

I think the central quote of this article is:

Growing up, there wasn’t a kid I knew who wasn’t impacted by the “crying Indian” ad of 1971, in which an American Indian paddled his canoe on a river past gritty smokestacks and floating pollution. As he stepped onshore, he was pelted with a bag of garbage that landed at his feet. A close-up of his face showed a single tear, as an announcer intoned: “People start pollution, people can stop it.”

Today, liberal elites, academics and coastal progressives believe they are the only ones who can speak with authority about the environment, and are the only purists on that issue.

Stuck in their “green movement” ivory towers, they do not understand that the things they preach have long been part of our culture; instead, they use those as wedge issues to drive up votes in elections.

Republicans take the biggest hit on environmentalism, which is interesting because conservatism means to conserve permanent things; evangelicals, one of the GOP’s biggest voting blocs, believe they have a duty to conserve, preserve, and restore Creation until Christ returns.

Here is where we see the GREED OF LEFTISM in action, yet again, and will as long as inferior individuals seeking leadership are seduced by leftism (and its futility).  Leftism always seeks to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for its leadership’s and their associate’s own enrichment for wealth and power.

Leftism will insist we must grow their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS to achieve any good in regards to the environment.      However, leftism is great business for those seduced by the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS… as long as they can sell their monopoly on goodness.    I don’t buy what the futile sell because LEFT IS FUTILE and leftism is not good enough for me because LEFT IS FUTILE.

And so we see the wedge issue they construct for us to deal with.    As if the only option to save the planet is to install leadership of leftism along with their INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT created as a result of their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, because only they care.    Leftism is all about growing the redistribution business and so we will ever hear their fundamental YOU NEED THE PIG!   I will not vote for leftism because it is not good enough for me.    There is nothing the leftist FUTILE AGREEMENT can do, that is worth doing, that the GLORY OF GOD motivation can not do, and do better!  And without the corruption of futility.

As to the term “coastal progressives”  mentioned above, these individuals can be likened to the animal farm pigs that moved into the farm house in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.    As I’ve mentioned before, the county electoral map from recent elections shows the GREED OF LEFTISM as the blue for democrats are found with the ocean views and the mountain views in Colorado.   Leftism has taken the finest real estate in the country and therefore have moved into the proverbial farm house Orwell saw in Animal Farm.

We have problems to solve, among those is leftism and its leadership and its large numbers of followers.  Whatever problem we have to deal with, we must also manage the futility of leftism.


One thought on “Observations on Making Environmentalism Divisive”

  1. The confusion from leftists is not helpful. Any topic is all about leftism. From planned parenthood to climate change. It all leads to themselves. Who listens to them anymore?

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