Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on, applying to the following recent article:
Cecile Richards (July 29 2015). Planned Parenthood president: These extremist videos are nothing short of an attack on women. Retrieved from
The fundamental points made in the above referenced article are:
- Planned Parenthood provides a lot of women’s health care.
- Planned Parenthood provides a lot of abortions.
- Only Limited tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood for abortion.
- Opposition to abortion is misguided and extreme and opponents are the real law breakers.
- Abortion is the law (including convenience though this woman did not mention that).
- No one can stop our tax dollars flowing to planned parenthood.
Granted, Planned Parenthood provides a lot of women’s health care. This is a good thing. There is no way around that. I want more of that.
However, the world is complicated. Planned Parenthood also provides abortions, even if the reason is for convenience of the mother, and the cavalier selling the parts of not yet born human life.
I will accept the first effort (women’s health care) and test the other (abortion). Period. It is snotty for the referenced author to confuse the two issues into one.
This woman raises no opposition for abortion for convenience and only apologizes for the tone of the “medical and science” speak that was brought to light from the recent videos about giving unborn human body parts in return for money. She blinded me with science! Or at least she hoped to.
But what if I oppose abortion for convenience and the follow-on cavalier treatment of the human remains because I do not make the FUTILE AGREEMENT? I say that human life is not futile in the universe. Therefore, human life is much more valuable than a woman’s convenience. This is my extreme view? Leadership of leftism is creepy (and I reject leftism’s futile leadership and the mob it wields, though I understand it is dangerous – and futile). This is also my extreme view. For me to condone either the abortion for convenience or the profiting from the unborn human life’s body parts, you will have to convince me that life is futile in the universe. Your efforts to do so are also creepy. We live in a time when the FUTILE AGREEMENT is mainstream and opposition to that agreement is extreme. At the moment, the futile mob is large and in charge. It seems apparent to me from watching these people in action that the FUTILE AGREEMENT is the low ground and not good enough for me. I will take the motto “avoid futility.” Therefore I can not vote left. LEFT IS FUTILE. I have observed that the FUTILE AGREEMENT touches everything – personality, politics, policy, and morality. And not for the better. The world is full of believers (of futility).
The resolution is simple. Disband Planned Parenthood. Create an abortion entity. Create a woman’s health entity that does not do abortions, but only all the wonderful, things this woman says. WE MUST HAVE CLARITY! The time has past that we must be dragged through mud because we need something good. Avoid the leaches of the left! Let my tax dollars go to all the good this woman refers to. But let the futile fund the futile. I hate being lumped together with the futile mob this woman heads.
The GREED OF LEFTISM seeks support from wherever it can find it, even in the abortion for convenience voters (yes the FUTILE AGREEMENT is an issue afflicting women too). The futile mob is large and leftism grows its power from them.