It is purely American to resist the left… not Anti-American.
Leftism is ‘other’ and must be rejected…. One and all! Including Roger!
Rage against those that seek to profit from the redistribution business (IE= take from each according to their effort and give each according to their vote) in our current democracy, is critical. Leftism institutionalizes the futility of effort as the leftist leader (whatever its race or gender) runs its redistribution business (by posing as Santa Claus), and then seek to hide their corruption behind the redistribution morality.
Institutionalized futility of effort is the blight of the leftist leader and has no place with the the author’s, ‘sure’.
When you hear God bless America. Follow it with the prayer ‘AND may God damn the left!’ Left is futile and un-American! It only works for the elites – AKA animal farm pigs.
This article is in response to the link from Roger Cohen dated 10/21/2016 with the link: