The leftist animal farm pig comes in any color or gender. LEFT IS FUTILE no mater its voice. Leftists: Take your racism and your leftism and bury them both in the same futile hole. There they will rot together rendering, one to the other, futility, into eternity.
The article referenced is by David A. Wilson. November 5, 2015. Ben Carson’s success: Is conservative white guilt driving it? Retrieved From:
The existence of such leftist creepy ideas, as from the referenced author, diminishes the world. What’s more, the mass of people (and their efforts) that agree with such ideas, diminishes the world.
All that leftism is amounts to a futile “theocracy” controlled by the leftist futile animal farm pigs. AnimalFarmPigOcracy. No different from a theocracy.
The focus must be diminishing futility. Leftist, your redistribution business is futile. Your life’s work is futile. All that follow you build your futility. LEFT IS FUTILE and therefore you, as a leftist, amount to nothing. Waste. Worthless. Futility.
I do not care about color or gender. I will avoid the futility of leftism.