Observations on We Need Optimism by Author C Brooks

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Arthur C. Brooks (July 25 2015). We Need Optimists. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/26/opinion/sunday/arthur-c-brooks-we-need-optimists.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=1

MY wife, Ester, and I had just endured a difficult parent-teacher conference for one of our teenage children. It was a grades issue. The ride home was tense, until Ester broke the silence. “Think of it this way,” she said. “At least we know he’s not cheating.”

That’s an optimist. We need more optimism in America today – especially in our politics.

As long as we see our futile leadership of leftism on a daily bases your hopes for optimism will be as a fart noise. Because LEFT IS FUTILE.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? At the personal level, optimism clearly seems superior. Psychologists find that optimists generally enjoy better physical health than pessimists, and a greater ability to cope with setbacks. Optimists are happier than pessimists, as a rule.

On the other hand, optimism is not without cost. Research shows that optimists are more likely than pessimists to keep gambling after losing money. Optimism bias can be a contributing factor in car accidents, as drivers overrate their own abilities. Playing down the probability of disaster can lead us astray in other situations where assessing risk is vital, like choosing a profession or selecting a mate.

The fundamentals that are presented here is that we need more optimism in a sea of futility from leftism’s futile foundations and system.   Optimism is a servant of leftism and is as a SLAVE MORALITY for leftism.   So that leftism is parasitical to optimism.    But the fact is, as we purge leftism from our political minds we can grow optimism.    Optimism for leftism is futile.   It’s as if the writer is proclaiming that only optimism has lead to better outcomes.   A little thinking on history will reveal that rebelling against INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT is its own form of optimism.   Leftism institutionalizes the futility of effort as its leaders and associates run its REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for their own wealth and power and then hide their greed for wealth and power behind leftism’s REDISTRUBUTION MORALITY.  

Optimism and pessimism have always competed in the American character. Think of it as Horatio Alger versus the Zombie Apocalypse.

 Do your zombies oppose leftism? Zombies are fundamentally futile! – like leftism. They are parasitical like leadership of leftism. If they could rise to animal farm pig status if they could find a place in this world with leftism. If they could not, they would remain outcasts to most but constituents to leaders of leftism. Does Horatio Alger oppose leftism? At first it may not seem so but because of his racism he will be made to submit. He must feel guilty for his success. “You didn’t build that! Somebody else made that happen!” He will end up serving the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.

In the end, both are loyal leftists.

Don’t worry. Be Happy!

On one hand, rags-to-riches confidence has always drawn entrepreneurs and immigrants to our shores and captured the popular imagination. The American attitude that all will be well often amazes our European friends – and not always in a positive way. In The New York Times in 2003, a former adviser to the president of France derisively declared that, “The United States compensates for its shortsightedness, its tendency to improvise, with an altogether biblical self-assurance in its transcendent destiny.”


It seems to me this Frenchman speaks of our bi-polar leadership (redistribution business versus free market). That is not the same as the American people’s belief that our effort is not futile! The truth is LEFT IS FUTILE and it’s leadership is a blight! This leftist Frenchman is political for futility – FUTILITY AS HIGH GROUND.

But at the same time, Americans have often been attracted to apocalyptic predictions. In 1988, for example, a former NASA engineer named Edgar C. Whisenant published a book titled “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. Scoff if you want; it sold millions of copies. When 1988 came and went and the end times did not materialize, Mr. Whisenant updated his prediction to 1989. And then 1993 and 1994.

Stupid mobs exist to show the EVIDENCE FOR FUTILITY and leftism uses this to war against those that disagree that LEFT IS FUTILE. Leftism is inferior leadership. This author points to the misguided and seeks to pull as many as it can to its numbers. For lefitsm, it is a numbers game. They will have you join your strength to the futile mob of leftism.

While the citizenry may vacillate, leaders generally have to select one disposition or the other. Pessimism arouses fear and anger, while optimism inspires hope. Hope can accompany fear in times of extraordinary sacrifice (such as war), but this is rare. As a practical matter, a leader must choose.

Leftism is hopeless for the masses but not its preachers. Until they bring all to ruin and are brought to justice.

Too many leaders choose leftism for their own gain. Make no mistake the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism is big business. This mob wishes to destroy anyone that gets in the way of their gravy train. LEFT IS FUTILE.

Hope is for the strong. YOU NEED THE PIG is the opposition. Leftism is for the weak that have nothing but pessimism.

Look beneath the platitudes that every candidate recites, and you’ll find politicians on both sides. Among both liberals and conservatives, there have been true optimists – like Presidents Reagan and Clinton – who seemed to exude faith in and affection for the American people. In recent times, however, right and left have more often produced competing pessimists who insist that the country is going down the tubes, the citizens are being stepped on, and everyone ought to be taking up torches and pitchforks.

Optimism is used by leftism for its own personal gain.

However, because LEFTISM IS FUTILE and leftism fosters INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT, it can only be pessimistic as an ideology and leadership model. Therefore, leftism is not good enough for me… No matter the posturing of optimism.

 This is the most important presidential election of our lifetimes,” we hear year after year. If the other side wins, we can practically expect a jackbooted thug and a knock in the night. I exaggerate, but only a little. Witness the extraordinary political negativity of the past three weeks from presidential candidates on both sides.

We have presidential elections every 4 years. Do you hear about how this is the most important every year?!

Why on earth would a politician choose pessimism? Because it seems the smarter bet for connecting with a sour public. After all, the wisecracking cynic and smirking hipster are certainly more emblematic of popular culture today than the cockeyed optimist.

The leader of leftism seeking to grow his personal fortune from the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS while INSTITUTIONALIZING THE FUTILITY OF EFFORT from his REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism will always have a hard time being optimistic. At least as far as how we see him / her by the purpose of their life’s work for futility but his/her personal gain.

And there is a tangible, growing mainstream depression about the future of the nation that seems ripe for politicians to tap into. You simply can’t find a survey or poll that doesn’t show this. For decades, for example, Gallup has asked a large sample of Americans their view of “the way things are going in our country.” Averaging each month’s results for the year 2000, 37 percent said they were dissatisfied. So far in 2015, that number is 69 percent. In 2014, a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll revealed that 76 percent of Americans did not feel confident that “life for our children’s generation will be better than it has been for us.” This is 10 percentage points worse than the poll had ever recorded.

LEFT IS FUTILE. As leftism grows pessimism grows.   Leftism is currently large and in charge!   As a leftist, your life is wasted in a society that seeks to avoid futility. I want to avoid futility. I understand that LEFT IS FUTILE and therefore fundamentally inferior and so I don’t vote left!

But we are paying a steep price for our politicians’ choosing the dark side. More than half of Americans said that our last presidential election was too negative, and complaints about the destructive, ad hominem discourse that dominates Washington have become a national cliché.

Let us purge the futile ideology of leftism. LEFTISM IS THE DARK SIDE and we pay the price in the FUTILITY OF EFFORT that our leftism produces.

Furthermore, in taking the pessimism shortcut, our politicians are neglecting a major strategic advantage. Business studies identify optimism as a core trait of the most successful executives. And recently, social science has shown a big advantage for optimistic leaders. In 2013, for example, Dutch researchers published a study in The Leadership Quarterly showing that a positive, happy leader is judged to be 132 percent more effective than a dour, negative one.

Leftism is a parasite on optimism.

Selling optimism while running leftism’s REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS will be futile in the end. Any success of leftism will always end in futility.  Singing “Don’t worry be happy”, to support leftism is stupid.    There is no way around pessimism when leftism is running its REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS…. LEFT IS FUTILE

A positive vision requires the hard work of winning over new friends, which means going where politicians have not been invited, and enduring less-than-adoring crowds. This is much harder than telling true believers what they already believe. But voters will reward candidates who have the talent and perseverance to do this. This isn’t wishful thinking or naïveté; just look to history.

Take the case of Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of the political party that most Americans currently see as the more negative of the two. Conservatives revere Reagan, but frequently misremember why he was so phenomenally effective. It was not a result of raging against liberals or fighting against big government. Reagan’s success came from his sunny optimism.

Reagan kicked the crap out of leftism, in America and abroad. Many people know LEFT IS FUTILE.    Everyone should come to grips with this truth, so that no negative word need be said!     I hope one day you will join us and the world will live as one….    The futile mob won’t.

Reagan’s “Morning in America” campaign theme is an obvious example, but his optimism went much deeper, to his faith in Americans’ desire to fight for people. “Together, let us make this a new beginning. Let us make a commitment to care for the needy,” said Reagan at the 1980 Republican National Convention in Detroit as he accepted the nomination of his party. “We have to move ahead, but we’re not going to leave anyone behind.”

My own analysis <http://www.harpercollins.com/9780062319753/the-conservative-heart> of this speech found that “people” is Reagan’s most frequently repeated word, uttered 38 times. When we add in all the specific people he is fighting for – “families,” “children,” “the needy” and so on – the number more than doubles.

Leftism turns compassion to a SLAVE MORALITY so that the existence of leftism is a blight upon the earth. Leftism always seeks to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for its own power and wealth.

Reagan was not a cheerful milquetoast. He was perfectly capable of a vigorous fight – just ask the Soviets. But he studiously avoided being grim about it. He was Wordsworth’s happy warrior, “Whose high endeavors are an inward light / That makes the path before him always bright.”

Because LEFT IS FUTILE, leftism is fundamentally dark and inferior.

I was 16 years old when Reagan was first elected. If I could have voted, I certainly would not have voted for him. When I was growing up in Seattle, no one I knew could stand him. But his optimism had an effect on me. Despite all of my biases and influences, I wanted a leader with this optimistic attitude. Secretly, I was not sorry he won.

Reagan’s optimism should not be understood ideologically; it was simply about people and our potential. He possessed an unflinching belief that all people – the poor, children, the elderly – were human assets, waiting to be developed so they could earn their success.

Christianity’s fundamental is that we should do all things for the glory of God. That is AVOID FUTILITY. I know there is Jesus’s statement to “depart from me because I never knew you”. Still, That is between you and Him. Paul did not stop it (your futility) as long as the cause of Christ was advanced. Be advised, LEFT IS FUTILE.

In contrast, pessimists see people as liabilities to manage, as burdens or threats that we must minimize. This manifests itself on the political left when we construct welfare programs that fail to boost unemployed Americans back into the work force. On the right, it shows up in strains of anti-immigrant sentiment or throw-away-the-key criminal sentencing.


You sound as if you are saying the right does not want to “Let me loose for the use of leftism.”

Millions of Americans are frustrated by the environment of competing pessimisms in Washington today. Some say it is a result of the fact that the parties have never been further apart ideologically. They hark back to better times when there was more overlap between Democrats and Republicans.

I disagree. Maximum progress would come not from convergence on an unsatisfying centrism, but from a true competition of optimistic visions for a better future. Research suggests that optimists can find solutions where pessimists do not. And while competing optimists may disagree, sometimes fiercely, they don’t mistake policy differences for a holy war.

Your problem is, if your solution is leftism, we will be stuck with LEFT IS FUTILE and there is no future there.

But let’s say that competition does not occur. What happens if one side unilaterally breaks out of the current negative equilibrium? I predict it will see victory – especially if the other side doubles down on pessimism and division.

Let us know the LEFT IS FUTILE! Let us avoid this leftist mob’s futility!    This person writing this does not care which way is up.   He is only advising this optimism tactic.   The truth is, optimism and leftism is futile.

Naturally, I might be wrong. But I would offer a political version of Pascal’s wager to a politician who is of a naturally Churchillian or Reaganite disposition: Let’s say you lose an election because you were your positive and joyful self.

Pascal’s wager is:   The argument that it is in one’s own best interest to behave as if God exists, since the possibility of eternal punishment in hell outweighs any advantage of believing otherwise.

If you are leftist it seems you are wrong and fundamentally futile. LEFT IS FUTILE!


Pascal’s wager is stupid against this idea.  

Hey, at least you weren’t cheating.

So even when LEFTISM IS FUTILE, if it posed as optimistic, it would not be cheating? This is worthless. Leftism is futile no mater how it poses. To be a leftist leader is to be an animal farm pig by posing as Santa Claus. Avoiding futility is never cheating, no mater how many say it is…. It just gets harder and more (seemingly) futile to combat, in this world!

As we purge leftism from our political minds we can grow optimism. As long as we see our futile leadership of leftism on a daily bases your hopes for optimism will be as a fart noise. Because LEFT IS FUTILE.


Observations on Lafayette Theater Shooting

We are up to our eyeballs in a futile mob led by our futile leadership of leftism.  LEFT IS FUTILE.  The bargain is if you need leftism you will have a futile mob and its FUTILE DESTINATION.

Last week we have news of Planned Parenthood harvesting body parts of unborn human life for a fee.  The majority of abortions would be for convenience rather than rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.    In the arguments for abortion, the fundamental ideas put forth to justify abortions for convenience would be the FUTILE AGREEMENT.  The FUTILE AGREEMENT is JUSTIFICATION FOR FUTILITY.    This week we have another mass shooting at a Lafayette Louisiana theater.

Mass shooters exhibits the FUTILE AGREEMENT.  The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the agreement that life is fundamentally futile in the universe.    From this agreement and his futile state the shooter brings FUTILE DESTINATION to those unfortunate enough to be in his proximity.

Leftism is not good enough for me.    I believe a major theme in the bible is to avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT and avoid bringing futility into the environment for oneself and others (avoid the FUTILE DESTINATION) .

Leftism holds FUTILITY AS THE HIGH GROUND and proselytizes the FUTILE AGREEMENT to as many as would have it and vote for leftism’s futile utopia. Then it seeks to take away the right of the law abiding (those that avoid the FUTILE AGREEMENT) to protect themselves from those that agree that life is futile in the universe (both the leadership and the renegade).

As long as Americans have the second amendment we can protect ourselves from the fruit of the futile mind.    As long as we have leftism we will have a political force that seeks to grow the population of voters of the futile mind.    That is, those that make FUTILE AGREEMENT.   The FUTILE AGREEMENT is the agreement that human life is fundamentally futile in the universe.   The futile mind can be depressed, unproductive, and apt to irresponsible and animalistic behavior.   Our leaders of leftism point to these problems (they engender) to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for themselves.

I will have the right to have a gun…. to avoid a FUTILE DESTINATION.     I understand leftism’s call for gun control, but the larger call must be leftism control.  Leftism is the greater force for futility because of the FUTILE AGREEMENT and LEFT IS FUTILE.


Leftism knows the futile mind is dangerous.   This is one reason the leftism stresses political correctness.    The FUTILE MORALITY is a necessary ingredient if there is any hope to maintain their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS for any length of time.

LEFT IS FUTILE.    And so there may come a time for recompense.   leftism is personally scared of guns.   When the money runs out for the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS, the White House will look pretty good for looters.     Gun-less looters are easier to deal with.


What of gun control in leftism’s futile world?   No guns for anyone?   That means even you, dear leaders.   Until our leftist leadership resigns to live in their gun free zone, they can not be taken seriously.   Leaders of Leftism must be forced to live with the world they would have, not off it.    As long as leftist have guns or body guards with guns, this is an instant cancellation to their gun control for thee (but not me) desires.

John Lennon, leftism’s song, in his song “Imagine” makes the case for his futile utopia based upon the FUTILE AGREEMENT.   John Lennon in his song “Imagine” never mentioned it would be the animal farm pigs  (leftist leadership) managing all the stuff.   Leftist leadership  would live off John Lennon’s utopia,  Just not you.   Because you can not handle it.

Observations on Ideas For Reporters Struggling To Cover Planned Parenthood

Here’s how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Mollie Hemingway (July 20, 2015). Ideas For Reporters Struggling To Cover Planned Parenthood. Retrieved from http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/20/ideas-for-reporters-struggling-to-cover-planned-parenthood/

Under the idea that LEFT IS FUNDAMENTALLY FUTILE and LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE we link to this article.  Everybody is political for something.   But LEFT IS FUNDAMENTALLY FUTILE, and LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE.  We expect no leftist to be honest and evenhanded on a topic.  Because LEFT IS FUTILE.  We understand followers of leftism to be more a war lord for leftism.    Let’s see how many of these topics will be pursued by the devout leftist.   I believe to do so would serve no purpose for leftism.    Nothing would be gained.   So, there will be nothing, or some slanted take, very little.

The fundamental that LEFT IS SYSTEMATICALLY FUTILE is exemplified by Mollie’s attempt to point out the topics that could be expanded upon.   She has some 2 dozen ideas.    They are not expanded upon by the followers of leftism.   Will they ever be expanded upon by  our leftist neighbors?   I predict not, because LEFT IS FUTILE.    To expand upon her points would be counter-productive to the business of leftism.   Leftism is BIG business for large numbers of people.   The people of leftism will not sit by and have the business trashed.   This points to the GREED OF LEFTISM or to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind the FUTILE MORALITY.

Observations On A Time Article Jeb Bush’s ‘Longer Hours’ Remark Will Haunt Him

Here's how I see the reoccurring fundamentals, categorized on leftisfutile.com, applying to the following recent article:

Philip Elliott (July 9, 2015). Jeb Bush’s ‘Longer Hours’ Remark Will Haunt Him. Retrieved from http://time.com/3951396/jeb-bush-longer-hours/

First of all a central idea in my unified theory of leftism is leftism is a system, or a business model to achieve wealth and power by running what I term the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and then to veil greed for wealth and power behind what I term the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.

The problem that haunts leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS is the reoccurring theme of INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT.    Bush points out this fundamental with his remark central to this article.    The counter of leftism, as presented by Leftism's current leading candidate (Clinton) and team, is that people should be paid more, no matter how little they work.   Leftism agrees the American worker works plenty.    Leftism puts up no fight against the fact that leftism's leadership results in INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILTY OF EFFORT for employees under its leadership, in the last several years, at least, in that they increasingly can only find jobs with fewer working hours, because of the leadership of leftism.   We have uncontested increasing INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for employees.

The result is leftism's leadership results in INSTITUIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT for employers as well as employees.    Many employer's can't make a living with the costs of leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS... politician care.

What can we say?  At best (from the point of view of leftism), we are left with the clash of the greedy.    The fact is, leftism seeks to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS to greater and greater power and wealth beyond any private sector greed.    As George Orwell mentioned in his book Animal Farm, towards the end (I paraphrase), 'The animals looked in the window and saw there was no difference between the pig and the human'.   When it comes to greed there may be zero difference between leftism's running the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and someone of the private sector.  The greater force for futility is leftism's REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS.   Leftism must always be thwarted.

I say LEFTISM IS FUTILE and MUST be limited.   I would be foolish not to see this!

The TIME article mentioned Bush's tax returns.

The GREED OF LEFTISM is the elephant in the room. Interesting word picture to have an elephant in the room haunting leftists. (Yes the elephant is the symbol of Republicans.   That is counter balanced by the ass of the Democrats.  The agents of leftism)  Leftism hopes to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind its REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.   Let's think about this.

We all believe that Leftism's top candidate, Clinton, is broke, as she claimed some time back.

Don't we?             No?

Of course not.  The leader's of leftism are filthy rich and live in the finest real estate in the country.   (Just like Orwell's Animal Farm pigs that moved into the farm house.   Did you ever notice the location of blue counties on the US electoral map from recent elections?   Much of the blue is ocean views and mountain views...  Sweet!  It looks like a map of the GREED OF LEFTISM to me.)

But leftism would have us agree with it that it doesn't matter if they are rich (and untrustworthy too) because they are "looking out for us."  This is another example of how leftism works to HIDE GREED OF LEFTISM behind the REDISTRIBUTION MORALITY.     Leftism is looking out for us.   This is the reoccurring fundamental, YOU NEED THE PIG!    Leftism would have me just live with the corruption of leftism so long as I get "looked after."   But then I would share in the corruption of leftism if I did not resist its growing shadow of futility.   Leftism is not good enough for me.

I'm thinking the existence of leftism is sufficient reason for term limits. Politicians of the left should be required to live WITH their INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT of their REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS not OFF it.   Somehow we need balance, not ever growing REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS managed by leftist politicians for their own gain!   LEFT IS FUTILE.

Then the article mentions the leftism's INSTITUTIONALIZED FUTILITY OF EFFORT idea from the president of the United States.  “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”   As if Driving up and down the roads or going to the bathroom and using plumbing or making an internet search results in building a business.   Leftism's sells pitch is that you should have no qualms to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism because of public services.

Proponents of leftism should show their altruistic character and get out of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS and get on the other end of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS in the private sector.   Will the GREED OF LEFTISM allow leaders of leftism to get out of the REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS?   It's not likely.    Leftism just started up the new "politician care" of the ACA (Pay no attention that it is not apparent that it is affordable.).

I won't vote left because it is just not good enough for me.

P.S. I hope the Pope is not inadvertently helping to GROW THE REDISTRIBUTION BUSINESS of leftism with his recent speak against greed....   It won't turn out well.   It will be like Jesus throwing the money back to the money changers.   Because, LEFT IS FUTILE.   Jesus was not the first leftist.   He did all things for the glory of God.   LEFT IS FUTILE.